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hAwTb0ii  (13 years ago)
have fun bro c u later ...
hAwTb0ii  (13 years ago)
mayb u rite i bet u dnt smoking rite?
hAwTb0ii  (13 years ago)
yea.. sometime but im under age so i cant often drink it ..thats a lil boring how abt u bro?
hAwTb0ii  (13 years ago)
u rite bro there r many HOT gurls in here if u want i ll introduce u a gurl(s) haha
hAwTb0ii  (13 years ago)
heyyo bro have a cool weekend
bloodtear70  (13 years ago)

XOXO Bloodtear

hAwTb0ii  (13 years ago)
yea.. Im taiwanese but i live in beverly hills
hAwTb0ii  (13 years ago)
hi jess where r u frm?
hAwTb0ii  (13 years ago)
thanks 4 adding me im ron nice 2 meet u ..what abt u?
lizzymcguire  (13 years ago)
HahajEsSI can nEvEr fOrGeT thOsE thInGs anD tHe mOmEnT oUr frIenDsHiP sTarTsI'm fInEHoPe u tOo fInEcOmmUnItY taLkS ''raInE's bF iS sO hOt''lollOvE uTakE caRe

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