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ALI22JEE Guestbook

maruf794  (12 years ago)
FrIeNd iS A FoUnDaTiOn oF LoVe... LoVe iS A OrGaNiZaTiOn oF LiFe.... LifE Is dIsTrIbUtIoN Of fEeLiNg... FeeLiNgS R ThE CoNsTrUcTiOn oF 'FRiEnDsHiP' {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
maruf794  (12 years ago)
'aLwAyS BeLiEvE ThE SuPrEmAcY wItHiN YoU sTaRt wAlKiNg tOwArDs yOuR TaRgEt PrAyErS WiLl dEfEnD YoU AnD ShOw yOu tHe rIgHt PaTh Be cOnStRuCtIvE AnD Do nOt gIvE AtTeNtIoN tO DiSaPpOiNtMeNtS jUsT BeLiEvE In yOu... bE CoNfidEnT aNd bRaVe... ' gUt MoRniNG...:hearth dear where you gone happy to see you
333968  (12 years ago)

333968  (12 years ago)

All The BEST of LUCK ...
333968  (12 years ago)
✿.。.:* *.:。✿*゚¨゚✎・ ✿.。.:* *.:。✿* ✿.
✿.。.:* *.:。✿*゚¨゚✎・ ✿.。.:* *.:。✿* ✿.
✿.。.:* *.:。✿*゚¨゚✎・ ✿.。.:* *.:。✿* ✿.
✿.。.:* *.:。✿*゚¨゚✎・ ✿.。.:* *.:。✿* ✿.
✿.。.:* *.:。✿*゚¨゚✎・ ✿.。.:* *.:。✿* ✿.
✿.。.:* *.:。✿*゚¨゚✎・ ✿.。.:* *.:。✿* ✿.
✿.。.:* *.:。✿*゚¨゚✎・ ✿.。.:* *.:。✿* ✿.
✿.。.:* *.:。✿*゚¨゚✎・ ✿.。.:* *.:。✿* ✿.
✿.。.:* *.:。✿*゚¨゚✎・ ✿.。.:* *.:。✿* ✿.
WonderfuL day

maruf794  (12 years ago)
'yOuR LiViNg iS DeTeRmInEd nOt sO MuCh bY WhAt lIfE BrInGs tO YoU As bY ThE AtTiTuDe yOu bRiNg tO LiFe; NoT So mUcH By wHaT HaPpEnS To yOu aS By tHe wAy yOuR MiNd lOoKs aT WhAt hApPeNs...' - wOnDeRFuL MoRnInG YoU To mY DeAr.. {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
maruf794  (12 years ago)
SoMe OnE SaY ThAt lOvE Is nOnSeNs,,, i tElL YoU... 'It iS No sUcH ThInG. fOr wEeKs aNd mOnThS It iS A StEaDy pHySiCaL aNd mEnTaL PaIn, An aChE AbOuT ThE HeArT, nEvEr lEaViNg oNe, By nIgHt oR By dAy; A LoNg sTrAiN On oNes nErVeS LiKe tOoThAcHe oR RhEuMaTiSm, NoT InToLeRaBlE At aNy oNe iNsTaNt, BuT ExHaUsTiNg bY ItS StEaDy dRaIn oN ThE StReNgTh...' gOoD MoRnInNg dEaR... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
333968  (12 years ago)
..... Jeep .....

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