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Cuming soon

malditangcharot Guestbook

xnirx  (11 years ago)

Hope u wake up with good dreams,

a body well rested,

a mind aimed at peace

n a heart full of hapiness n love..

good nite...

chicanaloqa  (11 years ago)

XXVARUNXX  (11 years ago)
xnirx  (11 years ago)

ok see yo

dont hide again

xnirx  (11 years ago)

hello friend

how are yo..why yo hide n nyt

xnirx  (11 years ago)


Don't let your smile
collapse for silly reasons.

Why do we let the silliest things get to us?
Why do we continue to let our smiles disappear for the silliest of reasons?
In life our most valuable asset is our time,
because our time is something we can never get back.
Many times we choose to treat this valuable resource as street litter,
or waste, instead of valuing each minute we spend,
and trying to live as happily as possible along the way.
During the hard times, during the pain,
stay humble, stay confident, stay polished,
stay joyous. Stay smiling....

Don't let your smile
collapse for silly reasons.

Look {Image} this is my smile

xnirx  (11 years ago)

miss yo too

come lets dance by words

flyingme  (11 years ago)

xnirx  (11 years ago)

this is night
xnirx  (11 years ago)

n evening i have to manage lil business

sooooooooooo..see yo at nyt again

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