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ansul07 Guestbook

maruf794  (13 years ago)
Todays Thought: Try hard to get what u like (or) you will be forced to like what u get… Keep smiling always it increases ur face value… Good Morning and Have a terrific day… {Image}
333968  (13 years ago)

Have a nice This EVENING ...

TheDeViL0wNMe  (13 years ago)
Ssachin14589  (13 years ago)
Hi bro good morning......
maruf794  (13 years ago)
'NeW dAy nEw bLEsSiNg... DoNt LEt yeStErdAys fAiLurEs.. rUiN thE bEaTty of todAy, bcOz eAch dAy hAs iTs oWn prOMiSe of LovE, jOy, foRgivEneSS...' {Image} {Image}
maruf794  (13 years ago)
I uSeD tO tHiNk thAt thE wOrLd iS sO uNfAir, thAt iT gaVe mE sO mANy rEaSoNs tO AwAy iT.. BuT nOw, hOw cAn I AwAy.. suCh a wOnDeRfuL wOrLd thAt gaVe mE a friENd LiKe~..~ yÖu? {Image} 'whAt gÖÖd iS beAuty wiThouT bRainS..lÖÖks wiThouT chArm..moNeY wiThouT haPPiNEss..a sMiLe wiThouT feELiNgs...a lifE wiThouT yOu..'.~..~. gÖÖd nighT {Image} {Image} {Image}
333968  (13 years ago)

All The Best of LUCK on Monday ...

TheDeViL0wNMe  (13 years ago)
TheDeViL0wNMe  (13 years ago)

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