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Zyz27 Guestbook

maruf794  (12 years ago)

NeVeR Go aWaY WhEn yOu fInD SoMe fAuLtS,
aLwAY`s rEmEmBeR ThAt iN AnY ReLaTiOnShIpS
yOu nEeD 'aFfEcTiOn' NoT 'pErFeCtIoN'...!!

A GrEaT ReLaTiOnShIp iSn't
wHeN A PeRfEcT CoUpLe cOmEs tOgEtHeR,
bUt An iMpErFeCt cOupLe LeArNs tO EnJoY ThEiR DiFfErEnCeS...

tHe bEsT ReLaTiOnShIp iS
WhEn yOu tWo cAn aCt LikE
LoVeRs aNd bEsT FrIeNdS...


Bappo60  (12 years ago)
FRiEND in different lanaguages...
Iranian - DOST
German - FREUND
Herbew - CHAVER
French - AMi
Pinoy - KAiBiGAN Dutch - VREND
Mexican - AMiGO
Indian - YaaR
Bangal - bondu
For me..just simply "U"

Sweet Night to U. .
Bappo60  (12 years ago)
oh my babe how r u?? After long times.. Yes we both r fine now.. Insha Allah i'll give her.. So say, how passing ur life?? & how days ur been?? Tnx for mind me.. Luv u so much my babe..
elameral  (12 years ago)




angelospeg  (12 years ago)

Anuj3126  (12 years ago)
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Prem3648  (12 years ago)
Hey mrng zyrn ok wheres ma cup
angelospeg  (12 years ago)
hello frn.
Prem3648  (12 years ago)
Silent visit zyrn . ? After long time . . . . . !

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