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pkn786 Guestbook

ElizaZarkau  (11 years ago)
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Don't waste time on charges. Good people will bring you happiness!! Bad people will award you experience! The worst — will give you a lesson! And the best will present memoirs! Appreciate everyone...
ElizaZarkau  (11 years ago)

Thank you,Im fine.... and you?
ElizaZarkau  (11 years ago)
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To live - means to feel, enjoy! As soon as you cease to rejoice lives, light inside immediately dies away! The happiness hides in imperceptible pleasures: when you wake up, and behind a window the sun in the morning, and in the house coffee smells; or when you are ill, and your relatives are interested in your health; or when the friend something important shares with you. And when camomiles blossom... It too happiness! Warmly, solarly, an easy breeze and as though at cinema - against music plays. In your head... Fine day, friends! - '- Make today for itself "Day of Simple Pleasures" ツ
333968  (11 years ago)

Smooth FRIDAY & Take care ...
jam1420  (11 years ago)
There is nothing sadder in this life than to watch someone you love walk away after they have left you...To watch the distance between your two bodies expand until there is nothing left but empty space...and silence...






I cant escape the thought of you.Even in my dreams you are there.Its not fair how your gone and how youre moving on so fast,while I am still living in the past.






I had a dream and it was about you...I smiled and recalled the memories we had... Then i noticed a TEAR fell from my eyes...you know why?

You kissed me and said GDBYE!


nunasupaveee  (11 years ago)

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