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maruf794  (12 years ago)
HOW TO KNOW THAT U R NORMAL? 1. U HaV Os aCcOuNt 2. U HaV CeLl pHoNe 3. U WaTcH MtV 4. u uSe uNlImItEd mSg oN Os 6. U SlEeP LaTe 7. U R SoO BuZy tHt u fOrGoT To rEaD NuMbEr 5 9. NoW U ScRoL Up tO SeE If dEr wAs nUmBeR 5 ( DnT WoRy tHeRe iS No nUmBeR 10. nW U R SmIlInG 11. MaY LaUgHiNg 12. rEaLiZiNg tHt u r nT NoRmAl! FrIeNd i dOnT WaNt tO Be nOrMaL...hOpE U 2...GoOd nIgHt....AbNoRmAl dReAmS {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
maruf794  (12 years ago)
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anzi76  (12 years ago)

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anzi76  (12 years ago)
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