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maruf794  (12 years ago)
** 21sT CeNtUrY ** oUr pHoNe :- WiReLeSs ! cOoKiNg :- FiReLeSs ! fOoD-FaTlEsS ! dReSs-sLeEvElEsS ! YoUtH- jObLeSs ! lEaDeRs- ShAmElEsS ! ReLaTiOnS- mEaNiNgLeSs ! aTtItUdE- cArElEsS ! FeElInGs- HeArTlEsS ! EdUcAtIoN- vAlUeLeSs ! bUt sTiLl, OuR HoPeS :- eNdLeSs..!! gOOd niGhT..LoVeLy dReAmS... {Image} {Image} {Image}
Anuj3126  (13 years ago)
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elameral  (13 years ago)

sandeep6766  (13 years ago)
( ThaNX 4visit my profile .do u FRIENdship with me.(
maruf794  (13 years ago)
thanx to visit bE a bAby... cOz thEy hAd nO paSt tÖ bE cRy..thEy dOeSn't knÖw thE fuTuRe..thEy eNjÖy eAch n eVeRy mÖmeNt...sÖ eNjÖy uR eVeRy mÖmEnt wiTh smiLe liKe baAy donT waNt tO bE a biG baBy.. Ok.. heRe's anÖtheR optioN {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} gUt MORNING {Image}
emad2112  (13 years ago)
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