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sheriya86 Guestbook

sheriya86  (13 years ago)
do not REQUEST me if yoUr OLD..
iF i deNied yoU onCe, donT aDd mE again.. iF yoU meSsAge mE & i dOnt mesSaGe yOu BACK get a hiNT i dOnT LIKE u!
GIRLs!! iF YoU aRe aDding mE jUst tO take mY SHiT & tRy tO bE LiKe mE,gEt oVer iT thEr will never be another likE me..
just dont talk/post/PM me something that hurts my feeling. Im so damn sensitive and can be so damn emotional. Hehe

sheriya86  (13 years ago)

Im FVCKING dont care if you can't accept my attitude, cause i realise that we're both are fvuking DIFFERENT...!
caLL mE a biTch? HAha mY plEAsurE!
aT lEAsT a biTch lIke mE iS hoTTer tHAn you..

sheriya86  (13 years ago)

i CAnT sLeeP wiThoUt a "HUG"
i talk FAST.. ;D
iM cLumsy
&& i BLUSH easily..
i eat When im BORED.. D
i Sleep when Im HungRy.. actUAlly i can SlEEp eAsiLy whEn i im So bOriNG!
i alWAys gOt a LoLliPop in mY BAg..
i doNt Use a WAllet.. i Just puT mY monEy at mY POckEt oR BAg..
i aM FriEndly.. yes! i am! so plEAse bE niCe wiTh me..
iM a GirL whO loVes sO maNy pEoplE,
I always act with my childish mind and make my own statement.
I wanted to be respected, not been thrown away...

sheriya86  (13 years ago)

San5050  (13 years ago)
Hi hi hi
San5050  (13 years ago)
Hi shreya good morning
SANU30  (13 years ago)

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