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bassel thanks alot (11 years ago)

puppysyou knw Robert f shedingerHe found in a research jesus is muslim (11 years ago)

Thanks, Salman, you can just call me with my real name: Bassel.  (11 years ago)

baselas93still you dont know about dr. Zakeer naik?Just go to the youtube and type zakeer naikthen you can find him.Puppys-you say we are rightbut y you cant convert to islam?Only u want to say'LA ILAHA ILALLAH MUHAMADUR RASULALLAH'(I bear witness there is noGod but Allah andMuhammad is themessenger of Allah) (11 years ago)

Who's Dr Zakeer naikhe? (11 years ago)

OK Master of Puppies, I'm also sorry for being rude. By the way, what's your name? (11 years ago)

puppys -if you want to know what is islam and about the quran just watch peace t.vDR Zakeer naikhe can explain about quranalso have the video in youtibe watch it.May allah give to you the hidayath. (11 years ago)

Dear Master of Puppies, I tried to be nice and polite to you by keeping my anger inside me, you're abusing my religion by every post of yours without even knowing what is the Islam? I do respect the fact that says you don't know what's Islam and I respect the other fact that says I don't know about your religion, thus I didn't abuse or offend you one way or another, however, if any sick guy tried to abuse Jesus (peace be upon him) I'll be the first one in defence line. The only thing you did prove is you're not mature enough to understand me from the first, you made repeat my words in different ways to make it clear to you, but that was in vain. My prophet (peace be upon him) says "The best of you are the best to their wives" I'm giving you my FB id www.fb.com/Bassel.Bakr if you still have doubts regarding my religion, I'm really sorry for the way I say, but this is what you do to me! :'(  (11 years ago)

this is* (11 years ago)

the quran claims that Alexander the great was a prophet^^.....when he was a pagan ^^ fake muhamed claimed that the earth was flat and if you walk to much you would end up falling into the void^^^ fake man, have you ever read the quran to say these silly stuff? and the tax you spoke about is for protecting non-muslims in muslims countries, if they didn't pay it, we won't harm them at all, and in the second kalif time, he didn't ask old men about it. yet I say this tolerence. kindly don't post anything about Islam if you're not sure about. ;) (11 years ago)

Surah 48:29 "..." Why don't you complete it "Kill the Mushrikun (unbelievers) wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush But if they repent and establish worship and pay the Zakat, then leave their way that Allah is Forgiving, Merciful" (11 years ago)

"there's even evidences that your holy book was tampered" and what they are? (11 years ago)

^^many muslim scholars claim that the quran you have in your home has more than 100 grammatical errors^^lol I'm arabian (Egyption), and I've studied the Holy Quran and The Arabic Grammar for more than 10 years, I even read the whole Quran for years more than 50 times and trust me when I say it contian neither a single grammatical mistake nor spelling mistake. And how come they follow the Islam if it has more than 100 grammatical errors? common sense! (11 years ago)

"nothing is perfect you should know this" I do know it, no one and nothing perfect except the God.  (11 years ago)

Even wikipedia has many of fake/wrong information and proving many things by weak and fake Hadiths written by non-muslims. May you PM me these sites? I'll report them! (11 years ago)

hey brother where u got these fake hathis?Im very sad abt u. (11 years ago)

Islam has enemies with eyes never sleep. they post fake stories about our prophet every now and then (specially Israel) as they couldn't find a single mistake in the Quran (and they'll never find cause it's pure).  (11 years ago)

You made a mistake by trusting these sort of websites for information on the Prophets. I'd rather you ask a Muslim rather than a non-Muslim? Doesn't it make sense that way?! Common sense people!! (11 years ago)

"I am the prophet that laughs when killing my enemies" not a Hadith"Believers take neither Jew nor Christians for your friends" not a HadithWhat's your source of Islam? many of these things you posted are fake!  (11 years ago)

Then how could any human write it or even combine the bible and the taorah while the bible says that Jesus died and the Quran says Jesus is alive!*(ignore my typos and spelling mistakes hehe)  (11 years ago)

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