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 What do you think about them..?

ur right arka bt am a vitim of hlpin frens who in return dnt appreciate. (12 years ago)

heheh mey be (12 years ago)

Oops.. I think, you didn't get what I mean in this matter.. (12 years ago)

As a human we need to help each other,,, we can help a person even if we dont know them... I help many tym and also got help from other... nothing their to forgive...  (12 years ago)

Arka... Will you forgive these kind of persons and will you extend your helping hand again to them..? I'm not asking about helping to friends..  (12 years ago)

As a human we all have own character, that make us different... some people are very caring about other and careless about self,,, some people careless about other and and only think about self and some people careless about self and other both... Our human socity build by those all kinds of people without them our society's balance will be lost... we need all of those people... And who is taking opportunity of your friendship, they not taking it in free... they giving you a good learning that WHAT THEY DID WITH YOU,DON'T DO WITH OTHER....  (12 years ago)

yes u r right phoenix. Btw, if sm1 do that, still we help him. May b one day we would need him. (12 years ago)

alien... Utilizing the people when we've no other way is not an offence but, making/refreshing relationship only for getting the help from someone is the bad offence.. Am I right na? (12 years ago)

well, this is my the basic reason not to talk wd anybody even on net. PEOPLE USE EACHOTHER! (12 years ago)

Arka.. This is not the problem for helping to the persons who are treating us their FRIENDS in THAT PARTICULAR time only.. And we are not great souls to tolerate everything.. Just I'm questioning about their mentality and how could they approach us without guilty to get the next help from us.. (12 years ago)

and sorry i did some spelling mistakes... i saw them now... pls dont mind... (12 years ago)

Thanx Lovelyshawaik (^_^) (12 years ago)

nice arka. . . Hmmm i ll try to be a true friend. . . (12 years ago)

nice arka. . . Hmmm i try to be a true friend. . . (12 years ago)

You must help if you can... if remember there is a proverb A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND INDEED... If you think that person as your friend what ever he did you must help him... And think that the person must trust you and oblige you as a good friend,,,thats why he or she every time ask for help to you not to other... so if you ask me i'll you must help...Great Bengali novelist the creator of "Vande maa taram" Bamkimchandra one of his novel wrote " most of our friends like cuckoo bird... thay sang for us most sweetly only on spring season... but when summer come thay vanish from our life... but true friend always stay behind us... when we fol on problem that come silently thay help us and thay gone and wait for next when we need his help again" so a real friend want nothing they work for us silently... so now your choice you wanna be a cuckoo bird or a true friend... I wrote all my openion...  (12 years ago)

Yes Arka.. You are right.. But my Q is, after they used us, they leave us. Later, when they need our help, first they act as our caretakers for few days.. Then, slowly ask for our help.. In this situation, should we help to them or not..? For example, a person is working in a office. His friend asks that person's help to process a matter in that office. In that days, he communicates that person daily. After few days, he didn't make any call to that person.. Then later 6 months, he calls that person for another help...  (12 years ago)

With u Arka.... (12 years ago)

we make friends because we are selfish...every humans need a or a few good friends becoz humans are become happy when other people caring and loving them... But some people leave their friends after taking help... Nothing we can do with them... but be happy knowing that you are not so useless,,, some people need yo when thay fol in problem... (12 years ago)

Yep i agree with u lovely sometimes....... (12 years ago)

Hmmm. . I cant say anythng cz I never cm across these types of people but yes i bevhaved selfishely smtime,so what can i say about my self. . .  (12 years ago)

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