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 who is a christian?

Respat the other religan is true muslim (12 years ago)

CHRISTAIN.....Through Christ we stand.... (12 years ago)

to be christian,follow the docren of juses,to do good worl,love youre enemy,love god first before ang thing else.acorrding the bible say. (12 years ago)

hi.evez!! hmn catholic. im muslim. i belev also in jesus. but not as a GOD but as a man,prophet, messanger of GOD (ALLAH. (12 years ago)

K... (12 years ago)

K i beg ur pardon? 4give me? Can we b friends? (12 years ago)

Den stop annoying me... (12 years ago)

Y wud i shot up (12 years ago)

R u a chrstian or not...if not shut up!! (12 years ago)

The bible mention that jesus, peace be upon him, was crucified, endured pain and torture,was beaten up, was called names, and was spat on by the people... Now my question is!: how can someone like you joshuana worship a GOD that could not help himself while being crucified, hurt,spat on and called names??? (12 years ago)

D only 1 can 4give d sin of 1person s not jesus'. But the GOD Of jesus. (12 years ago)

Jesus...iz forgiven dnt wory he'l forgive ya...by d wy woevr jesus iz i blive that he iz ma god n savior...jus like u bliv in ur god.. (12 years ago)

k i g8.8. den r u sure dat jesus s god? how cod 8 b? mary a woman hav a son name jesus. dn mary also s god-!? try 2 read d bible my frend. f ders screpture n d bible said dat jesus s god or jesus him self said dat he s d god, i convert 2 christian. (12 years ago)

Oh..u dint read ma post clerly...i said i knw nothing bout any god rather then jesus...hope u gotit (12 years ago)

u know nothing about god n religion joshuana!? den how can u b sure dat jesus s god n ur savior? try 2 research my fwnd! ur n wrong path. d 1 dat sure s. jesus s messenger, prophet of ALLAH (GOD) (12 years ago)

Iam a christian (12 years ago)

I knw nothin abt ne..god or religion....but 1 4 sure i knw sumtin abt jesus...n dat iz..he iz ma god n savior (12 years ago)

innocentdevil. ur ryt belev wat u ben belev.but ur in the wrong path of being a christian.do u hav a bible? read 8 carefully n clearly thats my susgestion. n do u hav a QUR'AN? plz read verse maryam(mary) chapter 36.jesus said- n verily ALLAH s my lord n ur lord. so worship Him. dat s d stret path (12 years ago)

hos ur god talking about innocentdevil?? F jesus god ur talking 8s ALLAH! ALLAH (god) the 1.master of all. He never needs anything. He begets not, nor was He begotten. Der s none coequal to Him. He never had a son n he never ben born. Jesus s not a son of Him(ALLAH) jesus s a prophet a messanger, a slave of ALLAH(GOD) (12 years ago)

ashley wat i men is. "Ders no muslims ho das not belev in jesus",8 mens f u r a muslim, u must belev in jesus.because jesus is one of the greatest prophet of ALLAH. And ALLAH is the true SAVIOR cuz ALLAH created jesus,moses. Noah.an soon (12 years ago)

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