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 silly and stupid girls

intrstng topic (11 years ago)

 (12 years ago)

Fuck more (12 years ago)

Alien said why girls wear clothes that shows more and hide less and not bare-naked! Wearing such clothing is a freedom of expression so we should not judge ppl the way they dressed because we do not know them personally.. Clothes is not a basis of being a good or a bad person.. Nowadays, ppl are more open with this kind of trend because this is "Art"... this is "Fashion". Guys since you are aware that we are now in modern days, you should widen your thought process as well.. Stop prejudicing.. If you wanna come back to ancient times then think again bcoz even Cleopatra didn't wear a blanket during her time..  (12 years ago)

so...well. Those girl will be naughty, and never married with a good guy.  (12 years ago)

no,we're not doing this (12 years ago)

(12 years ago)

fucking children (12 years ago)

what the f? (12 years ago)

hmm..actually, Neon u r saying right. Not all women dress same way. But these women r following other fuckin' women who wear such clothes. Btw, I should ignore them.  (12 years ago)

Well 'alien's , (Suitable name btw , si!) not all women dress the same way. Quit focusing on the ones who dress like that..i know UR just a frustrated young boy but just..eem.. ,'relieve' your frustration when UR alone (lmfao) and focus on what u believe to be beautiful. Cos honey, these girls werent gonna change how they dress, !! Just accept it and ignore .. Jeees..  (12 years ago)

when some1 sting u, u behave like a mad bullshit when drop on the road spread in all direction.  (12 years ago)

i kinda wonder where is ur mind in ur head or in ass oops! M talking abt sweepr of shit. (12 years ago)

i think u r homo for sure! thats y u c evry girl as chick. How can u respect girls? By fucking them?  (12 years ago)

until u're with me i can't confuse with shit oh com'n m3th, u think v. Behind. Kissing is v. Far away thing. Even i never touch a girl. for ur info, i rarely see girls.confused??  (12 years ago)

nope.. Well, i know abt girls as much as no. Of atoms in the universe, volume of universe and what will happen nxt.Undrstud u? Nope?Ya i undrstand (12 years ago)

m3th, i want to ask a question. Would someone* allow such dress to sister n mom? what u say? (12 years ago)

u need mental help, woman! Woman that don't dress r compareable to animal because animal also don't wear clothes.My next point is: they want to be look as hot, sexy etc but not beautiful, cute etc. It shows what is the aim of dressing like that.@M3th, u must kick on own ass so ur brain go to the right place i.e head.  (12 years ago)

clothes* not close. and m3th yeah man you're the only one that is actually realistic. everyone else is practically su;pporting rape... its screwed up shizz. (12 years ago)

so basically youre saying youre thinking of raping girls when they dress like that. youre sickening. any man that would even THINK of doing that is a fucking psychopath that needs psychological (mental) help. i suggest you get professional help man. Once again youre not an ANIMAL you should be able to control urges. I'm not saying I dress like that but its a FREE world.. facts are, some girls will wear close like that so people like YOU have to learn to control yourself. -.- (12 years ago)

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