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 Do u know what is ISLAM ?

Plz ans me.... (14 years ago)

You don't know ? (14 years ago)

a religion for terrorist & a religion of terrorist (13 years ago)

U are insene islam is not a terroist & not 4 terriost. Islam is a religion of peace.  (13 years ago)

Islam came 4rm d Araeic word (SALAM) mean peace it is a religion of Allah sent 2 every human bein & jin throuth prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). (13 years ago)

Islam came 4rm d Arabic word (SALAM) mean peace it is a religion of Allah sent 2 every human bein & jin throuth prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). (13 years ago)

human + islam = terrorism (13 years ago)

islam is the true religion.., m sure.., i believe.., n 4 u who don't know 'bout islam, pliz quiet! (13 years ago)

islam is a fake religion of terrorist who knows only how to kill others every asian feels ashamed due to musalans  (13 years ago)

Decapitated..uLL burn in heLL forever  (13 years ago)

he he he,mr funny funny do you know me? (13 years ago)

hey islam is not terrist.islam is peace .islam say only one god thats allha. (13 years ago)

Islam is peace, Islam is the true religion ...and the one who say that islam is terrorist, sry but u don't know anything about islam to open ur mouth so its better to keep ur mouth close ,,, The islam who say everyone have a freedom to choose his relgion will not accept ur words , u don't understand to talk ...The islam who learn ppl how to love each other and no difference between the ppl ..islam who belives in Allah who don't have any partner ... (13 years ago)

why my replay deleted !!! ...ma friend i'll give u this website and u can surf it and know the answer 4 ur Question .... islamicity.com/education/understandingislamandmuslims/ (13 years ago)

Stop be'ng so great ful 2 islam u islamic...i knw it hurts if ay1 irriats us wit our religion, bt wt v cn do...truth always hurts...if u feel proud n heritage of islam fr jst its origin n book scripts, its a false consept...reality is wt islamic r creating world wide....if u dnt ve idea of islamic crime rate at present, its beter keping u ppl mouth shut...simply v cn say islam is 2 kill every 1 who creats prblm fr islamic...its ri8 definatin (13 years ago)

Stop be'ng so great ful 2 islam u islamic...i knw it hurts if ay1 irriats us wit our religion, bt wt v cn do...truth always hurts...if u feel proud n heritage of islam fr jst its origin n book scripts, its a false consept...reality is wt islamic r creating world wide....if u dnt ve idea of islamic crime rate at present, its beter keping u ppl mouth shut...simply v cn say islam is 2 kill every 1 who creats prblm fr islamic...its ri8 definatin (13 years ago)

Islam is a religion of peace and truth. We muslim believe in one GOD. So who so ever may call us terriost can go 2 hell.  (13 years ago)

@ Jagar36 : shame on u , i'll not talkin' wz u and argue about anythin' ,but stop talkin' about islam ..if u don't believe in it so keep that 4 urself  (13 years ago)

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