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 if given a chance t0 g0 back., will you leave the one y0u l0ve n0w, f0r y0ur past l0ve??

what will y0u d0?. (14 years ago)

.past is past., s0, i w0nt leave my l0ve n0w just f0r the past mistake.. (14 years ago)

its wat i learnt in the past that makes me withstand the present .i luv the one am with now for i would wanna repeat past mistakes on my current love. I wouldnt change a thing hun.  (14 years ago)

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (14 years ago)

muhsin yu just read my mind. Going back wont bring happiness but correcting on the past mistakes would.looking back has never been me. I accept i took a lesson from the past and trudge on making my current one a success. Thats wats called 'failing my way to success''.wat do yu think hun?  (14 years ago)

..nice^^,).. Thank y0u f0r answering.. ^^,) i cant receive n0tificati0ns that s0me0ne wr0te on my t0pic in the f0rum., .. I just keep on checking 0n it.. (14 years ago)

(14 years ago)

.but wat if y0u really l0ve y0ur past l0ve?. And y0ur past breakup was n0t that bad and its reas0nable?. (lets make this t0pic c0mplicated) (14 years ago)

yu'll be living a lie if yu kip looking back in yua past relationships.one thing that made move on why should yu look back afterall yu can just be friends and accept it it happened but never worked out btwn yu two.  (14 years ago)

@jaym0refire.. Ahaha! Ok friend ^^,) .. Im n0t asking because it is happening on me n0w., i really am just curi0us.. (14 years ago)

(14 years ago)

@mhegz..am so sorry lol if i made it sound as tho' am dipicting yu.am sorry. let me giv yu my own story.i had a relationship with one lady X.the chemistry was there and everything was just going perfectly.one day she run late out of office and told mi to wait 4 her wen she comes home.gosh! I waited and alaaa! It was past midnight wen she came banging into our house staggering to make matters worse.she excused herself by saying they had an ''office after party''.she took just few swallows or tots of alcohol and i was to understand that.. (14 years ago)

.....worse to come wen her phone rung she was abit far and told me to loudspeaker it after receiving. I did as she said for it seemed her boss was calling to ask if she arrived safely,but that woz nt it ,the phone went lyk, 'hi sweety,are yu home safe already?'' just b4 she could say something, the guy said that woz the best night she had ever offered.i just cut that lyn out of reflex,even tho' we talked of it later we struggled all way after,till we saw it best to let it breath.we got back but trust issues remained a concern till we called it quits. Going back to it all would just cause more harm than gud.i would say that aint possible to mi but would be easy to someone else. I think it depends on wat made yu two part.wat is ur say hun?  (14 years ago)

.....worse to come wen her phone rung she was abit far and told me to loudspeaker it after receiving. I did as she said for it seemed her boss was calling to ask if she arrived safely,but that woz nt it ,the phone went lyk, 'hi sweety,are yu home safe already?'' just b4 she could say something, the guy said that woz the best night she had ever offered.i just cut that lyn out of reflex,even tho' we talked of it later we struggled all way after,till we saw it best to let it breath.we got back but trust issues remained a concern till we called it quits. Going back to it all would just cause more harm than gud.i would say that aint possible to mi but would be easy to someone else. I think it depends on wat made yu two part.wat is ur say hun?  (14 years ago)

@jay., yes it really depends., hmm., if i were in y0ur situati0n., i think i w0uld left him at that p0int, cause in my relati0nship n0w, i p0int 0ut t0 my b0yfriend that if he l0ve and if he have s0me0ne else, he sh0uld tell me right away s0 i c0uld be out 0f his life., (14 years ago)

and in a relati0nship trust is really imp0rtant., a trust that have been ruined cann0t be back., the trust w0uld be lesser at s0me p0int.. (14 years ago)

yu are such a quike understander and i envy that in yu.yu are a good student so i mean when it comes to school.yu see i was once told that trust is one elastic rubber band with two lovers holding in either ends,when one lets go the other gets hurt.so the couple hav to hold on to it forever.yu get my point? (14 years ago)

a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. (14 years ago)

yeh id go back only for 2 more daughters like ive already got..wouldnt want her back..not after the postman anyway... (14 years ago)

hahahaahaaaa.... postman..? Hahhahahaaa. (14 years ago)

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