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 best friend

what is a best friend? (13 years ago)

A best frnd is who care about u without exptation and belive u without lemitation. And if u doing something wrong than they told u right way.for me my frnd is my sister,frnd or a teacher . i love hir very much. (13 years ago)

"Best friend" who is the 1 u can share all u'r prblem 4 better or worse,the 1 who care a lots of thing, anytme u them their are alwez be there 4 u! hope our other friend out there they post cmment too...good luck!!! (13 years ago)

"Best friend" who is the 1 u can share all u'r prblem 4 better or worse,the 1 who care a lots of thing, anytme u them their are alwez be there 4 u! hope our other friend out there they post cmment too...good luck!!! (13 years ago)

for me is the greates complement that a human being can have, after love of course! Is that your best friend is your concience, who tells you what you hear and not what you want to hear, true friends are troroughly familiar with our feelings, fears, dreams, want the best for you and if you are happy they are too. It's shame that the friendship is extinct in our days, now we just have friend of convenience, for you looks or popularity and we are lucky to find that perfect gift don't know value!  (13 years ago)

yeah, hamlet u'r just a very good friend and very creative to given in evry sngle post in forum, i wish 4 u a good health alwez, i agree 4 u'r those cmment thanks u'r a kind of person who realy value a true friendship i solute u with that,smetmes people they can realise a cmment frm others,they realy want 2 say a lot of things in all mtters, but unfurnately not very creatve as you are, thanks a lot friend i agree with you 100% honest.  (13 years ago)

you are my best fsiends (13 years ago)

I considered all my friends as extention of my family...  (13 years ago)

you are my family one too myroda  (13 years ago)

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