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 Great Words..

My advice to you is to get married.. If you get a good wife, you will be happy.. If not, you will become a philosopher.. Socrates.. (Great Philosopher...) (13 years ago)

ha ha...,i wish i cud be a Philosopher, shaadi kardu kya.? (13 years ago)

Ha.. Ha.. Your last words are Hindi..? I don't know hindi.. (13 years ago)

hmm.. My advice is dnt marry. Ha ha ha.. (13 years ago)

hmm.. My advice is dnt marry. Ha ha ha.. (13 years ago)

Dear alien, why do you hate to get married..? (13 years ago)

If you didn't get good wife, u will become as philosopher. Suppose, if a lady couldn't get good husband, how will it be? (13 years ago)

married life was very interesting..alien u should try give ur self chance to build ur own lovely family..in my opinion wether u get good or bad wife all is depend on ur perfomance as ahusband to control a wife behavior... (13 years ago)

but of course not to control until very small matter cos we(wife) also have our own privacy wich should be respected..any way we r not perfect so we have to complete each other n respect each other..  (13 years ago)

Married life 'was' interesting.. If it is so, it is not interesting now..? Ha.. Ha... And, husbands are not getting married for controlling their wives..  (13 years ago)

i know that husband married not to controlling their wife but in practical husband is the head of family so actively he will control n set rule's for his family right??? (13 years ago)

hmmm..that would b nice if both manage it so that husband also can take a part on doing some thing like help to take care the child while the wife do house chore or do help the wife with some marketing so that a husband also know how hard our time..  (13 years ago)

no way to get marriage 4 alien. Anywaz, if u come to know that ur wife/husband already love other guy/girl (bf/gf) before marriage then what u feel n do? Hmm..i think life will become as hell. I have straight feeling. Sorry. (13 years ago)

to alien..oh come on man..every body has their past,if u really love ur partner do receive him or her like she or him have..its no point to drag a past..past is past important is future..if some person was have a bad past doesn mean forever will be bad right?? (13 years ago)

any way marriage is abt personal privacy so is up to u wether 1 2 married or not..u big enough to responsible at every action u take but if u want some peace,n steady life i suggest u should married..we wont be young forever n when we getting old we need some body to take care of us n that is our family,wife n children.. (13 years ago)

yeh...u r right sinox... (13 years ago)

Well said sinox. . . You r right. (13 years ago)

Alien so when u planning to get married . . Dnt forget to invite us. . .  (13 years ago)

thank u lovely.. (13 years ago)

@lovely, no way to get marriage 4 me. sorry  (13 years ago)

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