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 silly and stupid girls

i'm really sorry! I think i said something wrong... (12 years ago)

@Meagainstmyself tats our foremost duty.. so ok... No religius comnts but can i know wat solution are you guys coming up with...?? To stop tis showing more n hiding less policy of girls today? (12 years ago)

all peoples has freedom wht they want to bear..so u hv no rights to commenting about girls cloths... . (12 years ago)

Sharma, I've a Q.. Assume as you are a parent and your daughter wants to walk on the road without dress.. Will you permit her..? Or, ans me simply.. If you want to walk on the road with an immoral cultural dress, will your parents obey that..? Whats freedom? (12 years ago)

bheya for me freedom means any unknown person has no rights to commenting about me whtever i bear..parents and closly ,respactiv one/all hv right to comment about me (12 years ago)

Oops.. You are totally wrong Sharma92... When your dressing manner looks unfair and reflects immortality and against your culture and forces boys to look at you with dusty eye, any person can comment on your dressing manner to 'regulate' you... Since your parents/relatives/circumstances failed to advice you, the Third party has to comment on you.. (12 years ago)

girls, most of times r silly n stupid. "men & women r endowed with only one reproduction center. men reproduce ideas from brain while women reproduce children from vagina" they really dont hav brain (12 years ago)

M3th.. India was the country of culture and we taught the other countries that what is culture.. But nowadays in India, our culture got spoil in many aspects.. The dressing manner of Indian Girls had been polluted by other cultures.. Thatsy we are discussing about that.. So, so, so, Shut up your Junky Mouth.. Okay....?  (12 years ago)

M3th.. India was the country of culture and we taught the other countries that what is culture.. But nowadays in India, our culture got spoil in many aspects.. The dressing manner of Indian Girls had been polluted by other cultures.. Thatsy we are discussing about that.. So, so, so, Shut up your Junky Mouth.. Okay.....?  (12 years ago)

M3th, Here I'm discussing about the Dressing sense of our Indian Girls in uncultural way... Before spitting your odour words, just know about the Ancient Culture of India or Simply know what is culture.. (12 years ago)

M3th.. Ha.. Haa.. Africa is the origin of this world by Biological view only.. Don't get confused.. Not only Indians but also other country people praise our Indian culture.. Culture is not a single issue but it constitutes of many.. Dress culture, food culture, political based culture, religion based culture, language based culture.. In these, the dressing culture got spoiled.. According to our culture, Indian girls have been taught that how to dress in public.. But, now its something going wrong.. (12 years ago)

Perhaps, its right in culture that a girl can walk without dress or minimum dress while walking on the African roads..  (12 years ago)

Oops.. M3th What do you try tell the 'changes'? Are you telling about modernism? Whats modernism..? We are in 2012. So what..? NO culture/religion said the way of modernism in the way that as now going.. First know the thesis of this matter.. In early days, the dressing manner of Indian girls/women exposed our culture.. But, Now its almost upside down.. You cann't realize what I mean here.. (12 years ago)

you talk about girls like that bcuz they ignore you hahahahahahahahahaha (12 years ago)

sync bbr..hw r u, pinkpunk?btw, its ur thinking nly abt me.  (12 years ago)

im the mean one lol fuck off (12 years ago)

Im neither here to show my religion nor against any Religion All Religions Are best None is bad, but our bad acts make religions bad. So here the topic is about girls, why they put on so uncovered clothes? May be they think this is the modern world! But where from this starts that they think to wear unfair clothes? from street, city? Or from home? As far as i consider it starts from home, in society the families dont prevent their teenager girls not to put on those opened clothes,Happens what!? Then girls walk around very openly in society, in end those families hear that she has been raped by someone, then none wants get-merried her and her life becames destryed, and she feels disappointment from her life repented herself, who are the cause of her Destoryed life, Resentence and Disappointment? Family or society?I think family: what i think is family because from starting if she had been Prevented by her family and they had not let her to put on those unfair clothes then none could see her with di (12 years ago)

her with dirty eyes, And her life had Never Ever Destoryed. (12 years ago)

are you people SERIOUS? PHOENIX you are extremely ignorant to just blame 'other cultures' for the way people in your country dress. it's everyones individial prerogative if they choose to dress a certain way. stop BLAMING others. its 2012, things change and evolve. Thats just the way things are. And M3th I actually agree with you. and whoever is talking about RAPE being blamed on the GIRL, you DISGUST me. Men are not ANIMALS they can control themselves when they see a girl showng some skin, thats not an invitation for men to touch them, ever, that is outrageous what you are saying. (12 years ago)

neon, women showing skin is an invitation to men. And it is a reason of gettin rape. Neon, i think u don't know about human. According to one latest study, men loose their sense of mind when they see women. Well, acc. To me, women that shows skin is not a gud women but has bundles of bad characters. Btw, at sm tym u also can't controll urself in scientific and social way. (12 years ago)

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