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 Suggestions to make OS better!

Hey frnds, as we knw os is a great site. . .i like it more then fb. . coz here i dont hav to like any pics nd each nd evry cmnt,no tags,just simple chat. . . .but there are many problems too, i have many ideas to make os experience better. . . .plz share urs too!!! (11 years ago)

what is your Suggestion ? let share your suggestion to make os better. (11 years ago)

1. During chat, if we got a notification about a cmnt on ur post or gb, den we cant open dat directly,we hav to go at home »»» profile »»» status/GB. . . . its so annoying nd during dat time we miss chat. . . . . . . . .So i m suggestng dat like guestbuk,their should be direct opening through notification for status/latest feeling. (11 years ago)

2. There are direct links for home,notifacations nd messages. . . .there must be a direct link for profile too!

there are already direct link for for Profile on "Home Page"  -   Comment by YourFirstFriend
(Nov 21 2012 8:07PM)
 (11 years ago)

we cant upload pics on frnds gb or album!

you can upload photo on your own account only ... not other users account.. and you can sent image to friends by signing guestbook !  -   Comment by YourFirstFriend
(Nov 21 2012 8:08PM)
 (11 years ago)

4. There should be a place in d forum whr u should let us know about the various changes nd updations u r doing in OS, time by time. . . .nd tell us d reasons y smtimes we get errors while opening oschat nd other things like dat!

admin always share the new changes of ownskin.  -   Comment by YourFirstFriend
(Nov 21 2012 8:10PM)
 (11 years ago)

good idea but admin is sleeping..  (11 years ago)

YFF do smthng.. And update a new version of os.

something like what ?  -   Comment by YourFirstFriend
(Nov 21 2012 8:15PM)

something like what ?  -   Comment by YourFirstFriend
(Nov 21 2012 8:15PM)
 (11 years ago)

Make the signing of friends' gbs easier like there's an option of "send to many" so that instead of individual or one by one sending, it would be one message to many gbs na (11 years ago)

@sweetsimmi your 1st suggestion > you can go can click on notification icon and if someone signed your guestbook hen you can directly view that post by clicking on notification which available for guestbook. and if you have not notification for that place then you will have to go through profile. (11 years ago)

NOVEL@ i agree with you . i had share this suggestion!  (11 years ago)

need paragraph layout for forum and mobile skinners can't see images at gb admin should consider about it. @sweetsimmi don't close your chat window open notifications from new tab like this Hope it will help you. (11 years ago)

I don't like this thing in chatroom which says--- "you're typing too fast, cool down" the other thing is that, I want to see images in inbox again, so image command should work in inbox again like you guys did on forum.. [.img].. [./img].. Multiple signing of guestbooks, adding of new smileys like : oshelp : etc on guestbook and inbox...  (11 years ago)

Birthday of every skinner should be shown on his/her page, and it should be his or her choice to show it on his or her page or not.. It could be hidden.. We should get notifications of birthdates of skinnerrs in our friend list.. We can see on pc, how many friends are added in our list and how many posts are on our guestbook in total, but we can't see this thing in phone mode.. I WANT TO SEE IT TOO WHEN i use phone to chat.. It's written-skinnerr since 1 year or 6 months etc, beside it, I want that there should also be written like this---, 1 year ago, created on dd/mm/year.. Ie, exact date, month and year.. (11 years ago)

We should be able to create any folder or category in our photo albums and we should be able to name it, so that the skinnerrs who have lots of photos in their albums can categorise them

i agree with this one!  -   Comment by YourFirstFriend
(Nov 22 2012 4:39PM)
 (11 years ago)

@imbest thanx, it helps me  (11 years ago)

@shadab m agree wid u,i use os through mobile nd i do want these things (11 years ago)

Shadab98@ (Photo Folder in Album and birthdate Notification) this one we had talked before 4 month too but it will fixed at early started of 2013 ! (11 years ago)

I agree with shadab (11 years ago)

yff  (11 years ago)

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