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U R beleving God if u beleve urself. - (14 years ago)
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Dear frnds,I m leaving ownskin,I don't know when I wil return,but I will!Nasreen It Is my promise to u that we wil meet in heaven,Harjinder once again thankx from the core of my heart,for guiding me.Rohaab surely u r a fairy,who gave me magic touches of qalam of buly shah.Rahella,thankx for ur wishes.Those who were my frnds bt didn't replied thankx also to them.AT LAST I WOULD,SAY''IF I HAD HURT ANYONE OF U,PLZ FOGIVE ME AS I M A HUMAN.Remembr u all always in my Heart.Allah Hafiz-Farewel. - (14 years ago)
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Dosti mausam nahi, apni mudat puri kare aur ruksat ho jaye.Dosti sawan nahi, tut kai barsai aur tham jaye.Dosti aag nahi, sulge bharke aur rakh ho jaye.Dosti phool nahi, khile aur murja jaye.Dosti to sans hai jo chale to sab kuch hai,jo tut jaye to kuch b nahi... - (14 years ago)
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In the moon that is always rising,Nor that riding to sleep.I should hear him fly with the high fields,And wake to the farm forever from the childless land,Oh as I was young and easy in the mercy of his means,Time held me green and dying Though I sang in my chains like the sea. - (14 years ago)
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East Or West Home Is The Best - (14 years ago)
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Ah,love,let us b true to one anothr!for the world,whch seems to lie before us like a land of dreams,so various,so beautiful,so new,Hath really neithr joy,nr love,nr light,nor peace,nr help for pain;And we r here as on a darklng plain swept with confused alarms of strugle and flight,Where ignorant armies clash by night. - (14 years ago)
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''what's in a name?that which we call a rose.....By any other name would smell as Sweet'' - (14 years ago)
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Trageðy of Möön:So Simple but so Attractive.So enlightening but so Cool,Älways Moving but so Still.Quiet but so Popular,Symbol of Love but Always SINGLE.. - (14 years ago)
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Trageðy of Möön:So Simple but so Attractive.So enlightening but so Cool,Älways Moving but so Still.Quiet but so Popular,Symbol of Love but Always SINGLE.. - (14 years ago)
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just put ur eyes down upon ceing a lady,it wl benefit both. - (14 years ago)
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I m proud to b a kashmiri,kashmir is a dream place where the dreams of visiting heaven,is fulfild,whethr it b any 4 seasons;al have thr magical efect.Curntly it s wntr here,my dweling place is suroundd by smal hils,on these hils remain a white wrapping of white feathers(snow)ths sene is just priceles and its a wondr of Allah's creation. - (14 years ago)
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I m proud a kashmiri,kashmir is a dream place where the dreams of visiting heaven,is fulfild,whethr it b any 4 seasons;al have thr magical efect.Curntly it s wntr here,my dweling place is suroundd by smal hils,on these hils remain a white wrapping of white feathers(snow)ths sene is just priceles and its a wondr of Allah's creation. - (14 years ago)
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is any body online - (14 years ago)
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I m in my room,with good heating system,outside is calm and serene with a strange aroma in air.The reason being that snow is bursting frm heavens.I m optimistic that whn i wl wake in morning insha Allah at least 3 feet snow wl b in our courtyard.It is a custom in kashmir that we like to take khewa(tea with safron,cashew,almnds) in samowar with kulcha early in mrng. - (14 years ago)
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2mrw r my exams,i was washed my jacket;i ws busying in drying it over a room heater.It burnd up,now wt wl i wear 2mrw,were wl i go-bcz outside is very cold - (14 years ago)
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